Book Review: Renegade by L.A. Wilcox

L.A. Wilcox
Published: April, 2014


Description of this book on Goodreads:

There are just three rules to being a time traveler. 

1. Do not, under any circumstance, interfere with your environment during travel. 
2. Do not attempt to carry other persons or large articles during travel. 
3. Keep your talisman on your person at all times. 

When time traveler Andrew Simmons loses his talisman in pre-revolutionary Boston, he must race against the clock to retrieve his only way home. Everything is on the line – family, love, freedom, honor, and quite possibly the future. But as time reveals a long line of dark secrets, Andrew realizes he must save more than just his skin. He must also save his kind.

***I received a copy of this book from the author for an honest review***

My rating: 4/5

At the beginning the book appeared to have some essence of historical fiction, with all the information of Boston in 1770 molded with the current incidents. To be honest, I have always abhorred historical fictions, and was kind of dubious on whether I made the right choice when I opened the book. But as I crept along with the story, I was drowned in the excitement that accelerated with every chapter, and I was left fascinated when I had reached the very last paragraph.


Renegade is the first book of the Renegade series, written by L.A. Wilcox, which revolves around a time-traveler—Andrew  Simmons— who visits to different places from time-to-time. However, his favorite is a particular scenario from Boston in 1770. Incidents take place in this very scenario, and Andrew is forced to break the most important rule of being a time-traveler: he interacts with the people in the scenario. Moreover, he loses his talisman, which is essential if he wants to continue travelling.

With the responsibilities imposed on him by his soon-to-retire mother, Andrew finds himself stuck in a situation that he must overcome, and his desperation propels him to make a deal with a colleague he would otherwise shun as much as possible. From there starts the exciting journey which is the main focus of this story.

Now, I don’t have major problems with the plot. This is one of the few books I have read about time-travelling, and I liked it very much. The rules for time travelers were perfectly devised, and there were no complexity in the story. I loved the romance as well!


Now, this is where I have some problems. I felt that the characters were a little underdeveloped. Most of the time they were doing something, and what they did or spoke about expressed little about their traits. I would have preferred it if I could understand them a little better. Although they were simple, you could easily like them.


I won’t say much about this otherwise I will start leaving spoilers. But the ending…OMG the ending. I was shocked beyond imagination! I wasn’t expecting such an ending and was very much surprised. If I get the chance I will obviously go for the second book!

You can buy the book for Kindle from Amazon for $3.99! Click here to find it!

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